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Giveaway and self-publishing guide…

on September 26, 2013



I’m very excited that this week my eBooks ‘Diary of a Complicated Pregnancy’ and ‘Ditch the Guilt’ are featured in a giveaway run by young adult author Shannon Thompson.  Hop over here to find out more…

In the meantime, I thought it fitting to write a post about how to self-publish an eBook.  Here are the first 4 steps (the second part will be published in the next writing blog post next week):

  1. Write it! Have a brainstorming session, take your idea, expand it and write it.  Then set it aside for a few days.
  2. Apply for your ISBN from Nielsen.  While you’re waiting for your ISBNs to come through, research the best platform from sites like Lulu to Smashwords (others are available!)
  3. Re-visit your written book, edit and convert to your chosen format.  Personally, I find primo pdf best for pdf and the Smashwords guide best for epub.
  4. Get a good, professional looking cover.  Do a google search or go to  Alternatively, search on twitter for book cover designers.  There are some great, good quality designers out there.


So now you’ve have your cuppa, sit tight for the next writing blog post which will guide you through the final steps.  

Until then, have you read my emotional and inspiring true story ‘Diary of a Complicated Pregnancy’? If you’re not lucky in the above giveaway, it’s available now through my website at Virtually All Sorts. 50% of sales to the charity Action on Pre-Eclampsia.

…and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @ComplicatedPreg


Also available – my indispensable guide to avoiding Working Mum Guilt. Whether you are about to return or have already started back, this book offers practical solutions and feedback from real Mums with real families in real situations. Covering topics such as Post Natal Depression, childcare options, yours and your child’s development and time management – Ditch the guilt today! … and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @WorkingMumGuilt


Thank you.

Picture source: via pinterest

One response to “Giveaway and self-publishing guide…

  1. […] So here are the final steps to self-publish your eBook.  If you missed the start of the guide, click here. […]

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